About Us

About Us

MITA was founded as the Turkish-Japanese partnership in the light of their experience of our founders for more than 20 years in Japanese business, educational and cultural life and Japanese language. It operates through offices in Ankara and Tokyo.  

MITA offers a wide range of top quality services. 

  • Oral and written translation services in Japanese-Turkish-English 

  • Hospitality, guidance, organization and support services 

  • Business and institutional consulting services (for Turkish companies Japanese market potentiality analysis and market entry strategies, development of export-import relations with Japan, management of commercial relations with Japanese firms, suppliers and customers, establishment of investment and partnership relations with the Japanese business firms etc.) 

  • Project consultancy and project preparation-implementation support for Turkish organizations aiming to apply for grants and financial assistance of the EU, JICA, Japanese Embassy and other fund-provider organizations. 

  • Counseling for education in Japan 

Our Vision and Core Values

Our vision is to provide professional, high quality, on-time and cost-effective solutions that add value to our customers.

Our core values: 

  • Customer satisfaction

  • Reliability

  • High quality and timely service delivery

Customer satisfaction and success is the basis of our company philosophy.

We are at your service 24/7

Mita Corporation Information Technologies Consulting and Trading Inc.

8Expert Translators
187kWord Translation

Our Founders

Our Main Services

Fast and High Quality Service Delivery

MITA is an international company with professional translators and experts whose native language is Turkish and Japanese, and has the capacity to provide fast and effective solutions to the demands of customers residing in both Turkey and Japan.  


Quality Check in Mother Tongue In Translation Services

All of our translations are checked by our Turkish and Japanese translators for content, grammar and language compliance before being delivered to our customers. We guarantee accurate terminology and satisfactory results in our translations.


Interpretation Services in Turkey and Japan

For the requests regarding interpretation services (including consecutive, simultaneous, whisper etc.)  for the meetings, interviews, conferences with your Japanese-Turkish counterparts are provided by our team. Interpreter support is available on-site for the meetings in Japan with our liaison office in Tokyo.


24/7 Emergency Translation Services

Using the advantage of time zone difference between Japan and Turkey, translations made by the MİTA translators residing in Turkey are provided with the native check by the MİTA translators in Japan. Your translations are completed continuously for 24 hours.


Certified and Notarized Translation Services

In case of your need for sworn and notarized translations, our sworn translators provide translation of all types of texts in Japanese, English and Turkish languages. 

Guidance, Hospitality, Organization

For the representatives and delegations from business companies, local governments, public institutions, academic and cultural organizations, NGOs and all other parties, we offer guidance, hospitality and organization services both in Japan and Turkey.

Customer Specific Consulting Solutions

As part of our consultancy services, we formulate professional project teams to meet your needs in different and diversified areas. For specific requests related to Japan, our liaison office in Tokyo provides services directly.  

Education Consultancy

Education, training and life in Japan is now within your reach through our education consulting services and organization arrangements for those who aim to continue their education in Japan at undergraduate, graduate, doctoral level or intend to participate to the language courses, summer schools, youth camps, internships and other capacity development programs in Japan.


Switch The Language

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

