Business and Institutional Consultancy

For our Turkish and Japanese customers

  • Market research and company research in Japan/Turkey for the selected sectors
  • Development of export-import relations and follow-up of business procedures
  • Management of commercial relations with Japanese/Turkish firms and customers and conducting all business correspondence in Japanese-Turkish languages
  • Providing consultancy services on product development, patent application and marketing
  • Promotion of the products and creating a market channel in cooperation with advertising agencies
  • Networking and collaboration activities with potential partners
  • Technical support for obtaining work and residence permits
  • Support and organization services for fairs, exhibitions and events
  • Capacity building services in commercial, administrative, cultural and social fields
  • Organization of conferences, exhibitions and cultural events
  • Obtaining permissions for activities to be performed
  • Making applications for the contests and competitions
  • Collecting research data for academic or commercial purposes, conducting joint research studies, survey design and implementation
  • Coordination of bilateral institutional relations
  • Establishing investment relations with Japanese and Turkish business world, partner matching and coordinating stakeholders for investments
  • Health tourism (Particularly wellness tourism, elderly care visits, geriatric, disabled and medical tourism)
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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9