Education Consultancy

Education Consultancy

Education in Japan is now within your reach!

We offer thousands of high-quality academic programs, world-class institutions and rich variety of training programs, summer school and internship opportunities in Japan based on your preferences.

  • Undergraduate, graduate and doctorate education
  • Language courses or language schools
  • Summer schools
  • Youth camps
  • Internship programs
  • Volunteering-based organizations etc.

We provide educational consultancy and organization services enabling you to participate in the program you want.  

Join us now to take full-time active support in below-stated areas to be part of educational opportunities in Japan.

  • Finding the most ideal and suitable schools for your needs and preferences
  • Support for admission to selected programs and entry exam processes
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Guidance for active participation to the selected program,
  • Support for personal adaptation for social and cultural life in Japan
  • Guidance for housing and accommodation in Japan

For each student going to Japan through MITA, we assign a contact person residing in Japan for your urgent needs.

Our liaison office in Tokyo offers all kinds of services on-site in line with the requests and expectations of our customers who want to pursue their education in Japan.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9